App record creation failed due to invalid input. Request failed with error code"STATE_ERROR.APP_CREATE.PLATFORM_NOT_ALLOWED_DUE_TO_CONTRACT_STATE" and reason " One or more platforms cannot be created for this app due to your provider's contract state. Creation of apps for the platform(s) ios is not available due to your provider's contract state."
问题2、App record creation error
App record creation failed due to request containing an attribute already in use. The App Name you entered is already being used. If you have trademark rights to this name and would like it released for your use, submit a claim.
Xcode 操作IOS应用发送到App Store时报错
发文时间:2022年06月02日 17:42:25 编辑:Aaron 标签:xcode打包 5362
报错信息如下 :
问题1、App record creation error
App record creation failed due to invalid input. Request failed with error code"STATE_ERROR.APP_CREATE.PLATFORM_NOT_ALLOWED_DUE_TO_CONTRACT_STATE" and reason " One or more platforms cannot be created for this app due to your provider's contract state. Creation of apps for the platform(s) ios is not available due to your provider's contract state."
问题2、App record creation error
App record creation failed due to request containing an attribute already in use. The App Name you entered is already being used. If you have trademark rights to this name and would like it released for your use, submit a claim.
问题1:登录 查看协议是否有过期,若存在过期,则需重新签订下。
登录 综合-》APP信息-》 SKU值 :查看app的SKU值和Xcode中的Bundle Identifier是否一致。